The Elite Health and Wellness


We Can Do Better!

I recently became aware of a patient who was told to do physical therapy by an MD because insurance requires it, but ultimately the patient would need surgery for a rotator cuff tear (RTC). This RTC tear was the result of chronic irritation and breakdown, and not the result of a traumatic incident or injury.

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Is Stress Getting To You?

“Stress can contribute to nerve sensitivity or pain system sensitivity. Stress lives in the brain, and therefore the experience of people with chronic pain often is that their pain increases as they become more stressed” Dr. Lorimer Moseley, PT, PhD Cortisol is an important neuroendocrine hormone that is released in response to stressful situations. This

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Exercise and Brain Health

Exercise benefits are well documented. They include improvements in cardiovascular and musculoskeletal capacity, mental health and cognitive function. Exercise and mental health has received more attention recently. Investigators have documented the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, which is a brain region related to memory and learning. In this study, these adaptations were

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Fast Twitch Fountain of Youth

It’s no secret that muscle size and strength decline rapidly after the age of 50. What does this mean and what can we do about it? First we must look at the different muscle types.  Slow-twitch muscle fibers are small, and fast-twitch fibers are large. The slow-twitch fibers are the endurance fibers, which predominate in

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The Double Crush Phenomenon – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain resulting from compromise of neural structures (neuropathic pain) is common in various regions of the body. It is often thought to be associated with excessive tension or compression on a nerve leading to ischemia (loss of blood flow). One of the most familiar syndromes associated with neuropathic pain is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In

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The Runner

To be a runner. What is a runner?  Who is a runner? A runner is a person that goes out and runs any number of miles or minutes.  Being a runner doesn’t mean you spend countless hours every day running.  It means you went for a run. What does running do for the body? Improve

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What do you know about what your gut tells you?

Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of research articles popping up in my healthy living subscriptions about probiotics and the connection it has to our gut. From depression and anxiety to IBS and eczema, there are many studies showing the benefits probiotics have on treating and helping these and many other conditions. Probiotics are live

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The Truth About Creatine

Many people think of creatine as just a supplement that is used to build muscle. This is true, but that is not all that it does to benefit the body. What is Creatine? Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid made naturally in the body, but it can also be found in meat and fish or

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Spring Fever?

With the changing seasons, brings the beautiful weather!  How are you enjoying the longer, brighter days?  Outside sports? Casual walking? Training for a long run?  Or maybe you just have a bigger smile? Going outside and getting a healthy dose of vitamin D has many positive affects on the body.  Such as, reducing your risk of

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